Relationship With Christ All 2024

Relationship With Christ All 2024

 It's A New Year! And you want that Relationship with Christ but don't know what to do or how to do it. I GOTCHU!  BUT 1st you need to Breakup with the world. You won't get that relationship with Christ if you're still in a relationship with the world. So, breakup with them idols, break up with them worldly desires. As of today, the only desires you should have is that Relationship with Christ. 
Now that you've done that let get into it!
 Building a relationship with Christ is just like any relationship but 10x better. All it takes is 5 Simple Habits: FAST, PRAY, READ BIBLE, JOURNAL and DATES WITH CHRIST. They seem easy right? But this year we standing on business with our relationship with Christ so we need CONSISTENCY! We MUST be consistent with those 5 simple habits in order to build that Relationship with Christ. There are some Extras at the end that are also great to get you started on that Relationship with Christ!

Reading the Bible

That Relationship with Christ won't happen unless you actually get to know him. 
Luckly for us, the Lord left us his love letter aka The Bible. The Old Testament is great for getting to know who God is and the stories about the past disciples. The New Testament is where Jesus comes in because God decided to give us a 2nd chance that who so ever shall believe in Jesus shall not perish but have ever lasting Life. 
Now, the best books in the Bible to really get to know Jesus, is Mark, Matthew, Luke, And John. All told by different accounts but yet so similar. Luke went more into details on the childhood of Christ since he was there for his birth. John was very close to Jesus, so his account went into details about who Jesus is as a person. Matthew went into details and details about Jesus and his many sermons. Mark does the same as well but not as much as Matthew. Luke and Acts connect so after reading Luke, you should read Acts to know what happened after Jesus ascended to Heaven.
Reading the Bible can get boring at times, and confusing. I get it, but 1 thing that helped me personally read my Bible more is the eagerness to know Jesus more. I promise if you with all your heart truly want to know Christ more, reading the Bible will just seem like you're reading a Love letter honestly. As for struggling with the Notes and Such, Having A Bible Study Planner Will help a lot!


Luv when I tell you Fasting is the way to go! It works wonders if you're truly trying to build that relationship with Christ. When you fast, you're not only denying yourself of food, but you grow more spiritually. The more spiritually you grow, the closer you are to Christ. You'll start to feel his presence more and hear him. Now there are many fasts you can do but which ever one you are able to do, DO IT. Not many people can do the same fast so don't try and look at other people's fast. Everyone's body and health aren't the same. If you can only do a couple hours without food than do that.

3 Important Fasting Habits

  • Try doing at least 1 fast each week or month.
  • Don't be telling anyone you're fasting; this is between you and the Lord. Don't even let it be obvious to anyone that u're fasting!
  • If you really want to succeed in your fasts, don't even think about food because u'll fail trust!

If you often struggle lasting a long time during your fast than try this 5 Day Method

Day 1 - Fast Till 12pm

Day 2 - Fast Till 3pm

Day 3 - Fast Till 6pm

Day 4 - Fast Till 9pm 

Day 5 - Fast Till 12am


The thing with prayer is that sometimes we tend to do it wrong. Prayer isn't just to keep on asking God for things. Prayer is so much more than that. And sometimes we tend to find praying a chore and don't even want to pray. It shouldn't be that way because praying should simply be you talking to Christ from the heart. Don’t just pray when times get rough or when you need something!

In Matthews 6, Jesus said when we pray, we shouldn't keep using vain repetitions and try and make our prayers long, because God already knows what we need and want before asking him, so our prayers should be a genuine conservation as if a child was speaking to their Father. We're all children of God no matter the age. Don't think just cause you're old, that you can't come to God like a child cuz luv he sees each and every one of us as his children.

3 Prayer Habits You Need to Try

  • When you Pray try going somewhere quiet where it's just you and Christ.
  • Try waking up early in the morning when it's still dark to pray just like Jesus did in Mark 1:35
  • Instead of having preplanned what u're going to ask the Lord, just speak from the heart.


Journaling is a great way to pour out your heart to Christ. Especially when you don't have the right words to say out loud. Try Journaling for 1 full week, 7 days, and trust you'll see a major difference. You heart won't feel like there's something weighing it down because you wrote it all down and gave it to Christ. 

Dates With Christ 

This one is an absolute must! Relationships need some dates from time to time to keep the spark there, right? So same goes for your relationship with Christ.  It's going to need the holy fire cuz this relationship not no ordinary relationship!

Here's some Fun and Engaging Dates with Christ You Should Try!

#1 Bible Study Picnic

10/10 Recommended Date! 

  • This one could either be done at the park or at the beach, both are nice but if you want a dry environment and avoid all the sand and such than the park is the best option for you.  
  • You can't forget about the snacks! Beside chips, cookies and such, you could also bring some fruits, hot meals, cake, etc. It's up to you though.
  • Lastly Your Bible Supplies, the most important part of your picnic. A Bible, a notebook ( if you don't have a Bible Study Planner ) Some Highlighters, Pens should be about it. One advantage this Bible Study Planner has is the variety of activities you could do in it. It would make your Bible Study a whole lot more Enjoyable!

#2 At A Restaurant

This one's for all my food lovers!

  • You could either go out to a breakfast restaurant, lunch restaurant or even a dinner restaurant. Grab your Bible and head over to your favorite restaurant to just spend that time with Christ. Read the Bible while you're eating and talk to the Lord. 

#3 A Painting Session

If you love painting, then this one is a must!

  • You can have a painting session anywhere to be honest. It could literally be done during a Bible Study Picnic or just a random day at the park. You could also do this one at home. 
  • You could try painting something based off a verse inspiration, or a story in the Bible.

#4 Baking Date

For all my Chefs out there

  • You could Bake a Cake and dedicate the design to Jesus.
  • Bake some cookies and do different shapes and designs on them.
  • Try baking some Pastry or even cake pops. 
  • For this one you could dedicate the first couple mins reading the Bible, Praying and then play some worship music while Baking praising the Lord.

#5 Movie Night

 Movie Night

  • You can either do it at home or go to the movies but must be a Christian based movie. 
  • Buy some popcorn and snacks to make it enjoyable. And have your Bible Near too. 
  • Movies such as the Gospel told by Mark, Luke, John, Matthew on YouTube literally reads the whole book word for word, so you can follow along. 


 There are many more extras on my tiktok!



 That sums up this quick lil guide on Growing Your Relationship With Christ all 2024! I hope it was very helpful and remember A Relationship with Christ is the ULTIMATE GOAL THIS YEAR!  If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment. Happy New Year!

Luv, Daisy

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